
What lead/opportunity information can I track in CoConstruct?


For every new opportunity that you create in CoConstruct to track your leads, you will be able to track the following critical lead information:

Title: By default, this is the person's name, but you can change it for easier identification (e.g. "Phil Woods - Basement Remodel"). Of all the lead information that you can create, this is the only field that is required.

Stage: Organizing leads by stage ensures you have a clear understanding of where everyone is in the process.  Several defaults come pre-populated in your account and offer a great start to placing leads in separate stage buckets.  Customize this list to fit your process from the Contacts & Project Groups portion of your Account Settings. "Won" and "Lost" stages can't be removed, but you can completely tweak and rearrange the other stages if you have a desired way of breaking out leads.

Sale Probability: A simple percentage to help you organize your leads.

Estimated Sale Revenue: Your anticipated revenue from this potential sale.

Rating: You can rate your leads based on their level of interest. This helps you filter out the leads that reach out to you with a mild or passing interest from the ones that are ready to buy as soon as possible. This is also customizable from your account settings.

Project Type: Track and filter your leads based on the type of work. This is also completely customizable from your account settings.

Lead Source: Keep track of how your leads find out about your business so that you can filter and see which lead sources are the most profitable.

Estimated Sale Date: When you anticipate closing the sale.

Contract Date: When you sign the contract.

Notes: Any other important information that you want to capture for your leads.

Opened Date: The date that this lead entered your sales process. As you add new leads, this will be set automatically, but keep in mind that you can always backdate this if you didn't enter the lead immediately as it came in.

Opportunity Owner: Generally the salesperson or main point of contact for the sale process. This may match the "Contact Owner," but doesn't have to. For builders with larger teams, this will help each salesperson track their own leads.

Closed Date: After all that hard work selling the job, you either win the sale or lose it (let's be honest, with CoConstruct, you'll win it). Either way, the close date tracks the date that the sales process ended.

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