
Components of a Purchase Order


Each purchase order that you create in CoConstruct will have the following information included:

Purchase Order Number

Each purchase order in your account will have a unique number to identify it. This number will be set automatically as you add new purchase orders, but be aware that you can manually set a new number if you want these purchase orders to line up with your historical numbering. So, whether you want to start at purchase order #1 or jump to purchase order #1023, CoConstruct has you covered.


Start by giving your purchase order a name. This name will be visible in CoConstruct and in the email or printout communication that you may be sending to your subs or vendors.

Issue to

Select from any Trade Partner added to CoConstruct (Contacts > Trade Partners).


If you are issuing a variance purchase order, you can associate it with a prior purchase order document and apply variance codes to clarify the reason for the change.

Click here for more information about handling variance purchase orders in CoConstruct.

Scope of Work

The full scope of work to be completed or services to be provided by the partner to whom you are issuing the purchase order document.

This can include complete specification information or details about different components of the services that will be provided.

Inclusions and Exclusions

Inclusions - Inclusions clarify anything (materials, scope of work, etc) that is specifically being covered by the purchase order.

Exclusions - Exclusions clarify anything (materials, scope of work, etc) that is NOT included in the scope of the purchase order.

Line Items

All financial information associated with the document. This may be a single line item for a purchase order, or many line items for one purchase order depending on the level of detail you use to break down the scope of work and associated financials.


Attach any files or supplemental documents that may be required to communicate the full scope of work or requirements to your partner.

Terms & Conditions

Specify language that you want to include on all purchase orders to clarify the conditions of the agreement between you and your vendor.

If you have text that you include on all purchase order documents, you can set a default in CoConstruct in this section to auto-fill new purchase orders that you create.

Internal Notes

Private notes for your builder team. These notes will be viewable within CoConstruct by any of your team members who have access to the specific project (and who have "View Financials" permission), but will NOT be visible to the partner to whom you are issuing the purchase order.


Indicate who else, besides the Trade Partner assigned the Purchase Order, needs a notification.  This can include members of your own team plus other trade partners.  Use this to keep others in the loop as a Purchase Order is accepted or declined/voided.

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