This article contains the most commonly asked questions regarding Comments, Questions, and Messages.
Click a question or topic to jump to the corresponding answer.
How do I add/remove trade partners from a comments conversation?
How can I hide a comment or message that was posted in error?
What is the Move button next to questions, comments, and messages?
I accidentally answered a question in the comment section. What do I do?
How do I reverse the order of the questions in the Question list?
What is a comment?
Comments are used throughout CoConstruct so that you, your clients and trade partners have a place to have a “conversation” about a particular item. By adding comments directly to a selection item, schedule task, warranty request, question, etc., you keep all of your dialogue in one place. If anyone ever needs to reference what was said, it is as simple as going to that item in CoConstruct and clicking on View/add comment.
Files and photos can easily be attached directly to comments to share specific, relevant files with your clients, trade partners and team members. Attached files will be included as an attachment in the email notification and attached to the item that stores the comment for easy access later on.
How do comment alert emails work?
Builders, clients and trade partners can receive comment alert updates.
To set this up for trade partners, select the Contacts > Trade Partners tab from the top navigation bar and click on the desired partner. Select the Edit button at the bottom of the page. In the Communication Settings section you can specify whether you want comment updates sent via email, text, both or not at all. Be sure to click the Update button before leaving the page.
If you select not to send comments to a trade partner, you will not be able to add them to communication threads. Trade partners will only receive notifications for communications they've been added to.
All users can make changes to their instant alert settings by going to their Personal Settings page when logged in to CoConstruct.
Each comment alert email contains the most recent reply, any file/photo attachments as well as the entire conversation history. You don't have to log in to CoConstruct to respond. Reply to the email and your response will be added to the right spot in the conversation in CoConstruct.
Do I have to log in to CoConstruct to reply to email and text notifications for questions, comments, and messages?
Responding to email and text notifications does not require you to log on to CoConstruct. Simply click reply to the email or text, type and send your response, and CoConstruct will place it in the right location for that project.
How do I add/remove trade partners from a comments conversation?
To add a trade partner to a to-do, warranty, or selection item conversation, click the View/add comments link (for schedule items, click the Comments link).
In the Trade Partners column, select a trade partner from the drop down list. Use the check box if you would like to share all previous comments with the partner.
You can add additional trade partners to the conversation as needed. All partners added to a comment conversation will have access to the same information.
To remove a trade partner from a conversation, click the X icon next to their name.
Use @mentions to tag a trade or trades to specific comments. In this method, the trade partner will only receive the comments they're specifically tagged in.
In the comment text box, simply type @ and select the corresponding trade(s) from the drop down box.
Where should I post questions to clients?
The vast majority of questions a builder has for clients are related to decisions, such as "Do you want to add recessed lighting," or "Are you ok with the hardwood upgrade pricing?" Since the Specs & Selections is the hub for all decisions, simply add a new selection item, add a choice to an existing selection, or add a comment to an item to pose these questions.
For ancillary questions that are not related to project decisions, like "Can you meet on Tuesday at 2pm?" you can use the Messages page.
How can I hide a comment or message that was posted in error?
To hide a comment or message, click the client and/or partner icons to turn them black. This will prevent the clients or subs from seeing the item when they log in to CoConstruct.
If the client or partner is set to receive alerts, they would have gotten an initial email about it, but they won't be able to see it anymore within the site. Only builder side users will still be able to view the comment or message.
CoConstruct does not have a delete feature, to protect both you and your clients on the project and to preserve the paper trail.
What is the Move button next to questions, comments, and messages?
Many times notes from clients get posted on the Messages page when they really belong as a comment on a selection item. Or, a comment gets posted that should really be a message. Or, a question should really be a comment. Click the Move link and select from a list of choices to find a new home for that question, comment or message.
Questions from clients will have a
Many times notes from clients get posted on the Messages page when they really belong as a comment on a selection item. Or, a comment gets posted that should really be a message. Or, a question should really be a comment. Simply click the Move link and select from a list of choices to find a new home for that question, comment or message.
Questions from clients will have a Move link as long as the question has not been answered. So, moving the question to the right location before you answer it is the best option. If you decide a question needs to be in a different spot after it has been answered, cut and paste the question into the new location.
as long as the question has not been answered. So, moving the question to the right location before you answer it is the best option. If you decide a question needs to be in a different spot after it has been answered, cut and paste the question into the new location.
Why does a client question say 'overdue'?
CoConstruct allows you to set a threshold for when a question has gone unanswered for too long. You can change this amount of time by clicking the Personal Settings link on the main menu. Changing these values will only affect you, and not anyone else on your team.
I accidentally answered a client question in the comment section. What do I do?
If you entered the answer to the question, but put it as a comment rather than clicking the Answer link first, click the Answer link again and re-enter it there.
How do I reverse the order of questions on the Questions list?
Click on the “Questions” heading at the top of the table.