
Training Home, Prospect Project: How and When do I use them?


Getting familiar with CoConstruct and training your team

Each and every CoConstruct account comes with a free Training Home project, and this is a great place to work as you get used to CoConstruct. Add a selection item. Make a choice. Create a change order. Mess with the schedule. Change the financial structure and practice budgeting features. No clients can see it, so it's your own personal "safe zone" if you want to see what happens in certain circumstances without trying it on a real project.

Even after they are up and running with the system, many contractors keep the Training Home project in the active phase so they can access it to try out new features as we release them, or to train new people as their team grows.

If your team is fully trained and you don’t think you’ll ever need it again, go ahead and archive it by going to the Project Setup page. You'll see the "Phase" option to move the job to the "Archived" from there. (Once you archive a project, it goes into read-only mode and you can't un-archive it without support assistance. So, make sure you're really done with it first.)

Note: The Training Home project has some limitations compared to your "real" projects:

  • You can only add (1) client to the Training Home project
  • There is very limited file/photo storage of 5 MB for the project
  • The name of the project cannot be changed to anything other than Training Home

So, once you've made good progress on your CoConstruct setup you'll want to start showing it off to your prospects. To help you with that, you have the option of creating a prospect project.

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