
How do I show draws and mortgage information?


The Financials Summary shows the total price of the project to the customer. The total price reflects the ultimate cost to the buyer over the course of the project, not the remaining balance owed.

CoConstruct's invoicing feature allows you to create both progress invoices (based on completion or actuals) or invoices from scratch. You can set up your draw schedule through draft invoices, and issue them to your client when ready.

On the Financials Summary page, the "Expense Summary" box will then break down the project's total cost, showing amounts for the "Base Price," approved and pending change orders/variation, and locked and unlocked selections. Then, it will display the total amount invoiced on the project as well as the total amount your clients have paid. Finally, it will show an "Amount Due" -- the difference between the invoiced and paid amounts.

The "Payment Summary" box displays dates and amounts of client payments. These can be manually entered here, or automatically brought in from payments you record on invoices. If you are linked to QuickBooks we will pull the payment information from the payments you've logged in QuickBooks.

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