
Can I get a summary of all open tasks?


Yes, there are several ways to see a summary of open items assigned to a particular team member or trade partner.

If you want a report that you can view on screen, go to the main menu. Using the "Reports" heading in the top right, you can use the "To-do Summary," "Warranty Summary," and "Schedule Summary" reports to view those specific items. You can also use the "All Tasks" and "Open Tasks" reports reports to see a combination of to-do, warranty, and schedule items. At the top of those reports, there are options for limiting the reports to specific assignees.

You can also have CoConstruct automatically e-mail a report of items each morning. For you to receive this, head to your Personal Settings. Find the "Send Task Summary On" section and click the days you want to receive the summary e-mail.

Trade Partners can also receive these daily summaries. Simply select Contacts > Trade Partners. Click on a partner’s nickname. Click the "Edit”" button, and then adjust which days the partner receives the task summary e-mails.


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