
What are SMS notifications?


CoConstruct offers the ability to send text message notifications to team members and trade
partners. These can help you and your partners stay informed about important activity within
your account. Please refer to your country for more detailed instructions on how to begin
enrollment in this feature.

Make sure you have the consent of your team members or trade partners to receive text messages
before using this feature in CoConstruct. All standard data and text messaging rates apply.

If you have any questions about this feature, please contact CoConstruct Customer Support at
800-213-3392, Option 2 or via email at support@coconstruct.com.

US and Canada

All that is required to enroll is a valid 10-digit phone number that can receive SMS messages.

Once set up, customers will receive an initial SMS message confirming their enrollment. This
confirmation and all subsequent CoConstruct SMS notifications will come from the dedicated
phone number 877-403-2681. Anyone enrolled in this service may Opt-Out at any time by either:
• changing the notification settings under their Personal Settings page, or
• texting ‘STOP’ to the above number.

If you elect to opt-out of the service, you can restart at any time by texting ‘CANCEL’ to 877

Other Countries

Customers outside the US and Canada can still utilize SMS notifications, but will need to format
the number in a particular way. This is because most mobile phone carriers allow services such
as CoConstruct to send text messages to a mobile phone via a specially formatted email address.

To get started, please find your country and carrier in the tables below for the correct text
message email format.



Carrier Format
Blue Sky Frog 9digitphonenumber@blueskyfrog.com
Optus Mobile 9digitphonenumber@optusmobile.com.au

New Zealand

(replace x with your phone number, without the 0)
Carrier Format
Vodaphone 64xxxxxxxx@mtxt.co.nz

United Kingdom

Carrier Format
AQL phonenumber@text.aql.com
O2 phonenumber@mediamessaging.o2.co.uk
Orange phonenumber@orange.net
T-Mobile phonenumber@t-mobile.uk.net 
Virgin Mobile phonenumber@vxtras.com
Vodaphone phonenumber@vodafone.net


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