
What do I need to tell my trade partners about accessing the mobile app from their phones?


What can trade partners do with the mobile app?

Trade Partners can do almost everything in the mobile app that they can on the full site, including:

  • Checking their assigned to-do, warranty, and schedule items on a project
  • Confirming schedule assignments
  • Viewing specs and selection choices
  • Downloading files and photos
  • Posting photos for you
  • Viewing and adding comments on to-dos, warranty items, schedule tasks, and spec & selection items

All of the same security settings apply in the mobile app. So, partners will still only see the projects you allow, and they won't see files, photos, comments, or financials that you've hidden from them.


How do trade partners get the app?

Trade Partners will get the mobile app the same way as you and your clients -- by simply searching for and installing "CoConstruct" within the App Store or Google Play.

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