
Keeping a Record of Contact Emails



CoConstruct has an unmatched way of giving you a better way of tracking email communication with your team, clients, and partners on your projects. But, what about with your leads who don't have a prospect project yet?

The new lead and contact management section of CoConstruct can save and organize all of those non-project emails, too.

Capturing sent emails

For any email to a contact that you want to pull into CoConstruct, simply include the email address x@reply.coconstruct.com in the BCC line. Write the email as you normally would and hit send.

This BCC email address enables this email to be logged in CoConstruct and will not be visible to your contact.

That contact record will be automatically updated with a new "completed activity" that includes the entire email just as you sent it, as well as when it was sent.

Even better, if you include multiple contacts on an email (say a husband and wife) and add x@reply.coconstruct.com, that email will show up on both contact records. But it won't show up on yours, as the whole point is tracking your communication with leads, not all of your sent emails.

If you start an email by clicking on an email address on the Contacts view in CoConstruct, we'll automatically include x@reply.coconstruct.com in the BCC for you so that your email can be captured.


Forwarding replies

Since the x@reply.coconstruct.com email address isn't visible to your contacts, replies to your email won't be automatically pulled into CoConstruct.

If you get a reply that you want to store in CoConstruct, simply forward that email to x@reply.coconstruct.com.

Just like with sent emails, each email that you forward to x@reply.coconstruct.com will show up as a "Completed Activity" on that contact's record with the full text of the forwarded email and the time/date that the email was sent.

Do you use multiple email addresses?

Do you have more than one email account from which you send email? For instance, maybe your CoConstruct login is AwesomeDude@mybuildingcompany.com, but that forwards to ReallyBigHomes@gmail.com.

To make sure that CoConstruct pulls in emails that you send to the "x" address, search for yourself in the Contacts section and add all of your other email addresses in the "Alternate Emails" section. That way, we'll know who you are when the emails come rolling in.


  • Email attachments will not be automatically saved to the contact record in CoConstruct when you include the x@reply.coconstruct.com email address. You will need to manually add those attachments by clicking the link to "Add Attachments" while viewing the contact page in CoConstruct.
  • If you include x@reply.coconstruct.com on an email where a client or builder user isn't recognized as a contact by CoConstruct, then we won't know where to log the email. You will receive a reply alerting you that the email will not be logged in CoConstruct. In most cases, this can be fixed by ensuring that the email address you're sending from is included as one of your primary or alternate emails in CoConstruct, and that the email address you're sending to is set up as a contact in CoConstruct.

Note: Lead Management tools like contact activities are only available on CoConstruct's Standard or Plus plans.

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