
To-dos Overview


The To-dos page of CoConstruct gives you a place to track and manage all of the many unplanned or ad hoc tasks that pop up over the course of a job.

The project's schedule will help you track all of the planned and predictable work on the job, but head to the To-dos page for any of the unplanned issues or tasks as they come up.


Adding To-dos

No matter where you are, add your to-dos quickly:

  • To-dos page - Just type it in on the To-dos page and hit enter.
  • Mobile app - Whenever you're away from the computer, add your to-dos with the mobile app and they'll all be tracked and at your fingertips in CoConstruct.
  • From anywhere on the Project - Use the "+ Add To-do" option in the top navigation bar to create a new to-do item anytime.

When you enter your to-dos, include as much or as little detail as you want:

  • Name (required)
  • Longer description - Enter in a list of steps, detailed directions, or guidance for the people doing the work.
  • Builder assignee - You can set any one person from your team who will be responsible for ensuring the to-do is completed.
  • Partner assignee - You can set up to one sub/vendor who will be responsible for the to-do.

    Following project management best practices, assignees are limited to ensure that there is clear responsibility and accountability for the items -- If you have many people assigned to an item, you really have nobody responsible for ensuring it's completion. For extenuating circumstances where you may need more than 1 sub and 1 builder assigned, consider heading to the schedule, where you can assign numerous people to your schedule tasks.

  • Due date - Set a date when you need to have the work completed.
  • Photo or file attachments - Attach a file to ensure the scope of the work is clearly delineated. Your assignees can even upload their own files, great for sending you a visual confirmation or a completed form. Attachments can be added from the full site, mobile app, or via email replies to any to-do notifications. Click for more information on attaching photos and files to your to-dos.


To-do Notifications

For users who are assigned to to-dos on your projects, there are two different types of notifications that will alert them to the assignment and convey the details for the work.

  • Work request
    • Sent within minutes of an assignment or updates to the details or due date for a to-do.
    • Includes information specific to the single to-do
    • File/photo attachments are included directly in the email, and the assignee can access without ever having to log into CoConstruct.
  • Task summary
    • Sent on specific days (according to settings for the assignee)
    • Includes information on all open, overdue, or upcoming work for the assignee
    • File/photo attachments are not included directly in the email, but are included as links to the full site.


Updated, upcoming, or overdue to-dos

Whenever a to-do is updated or posted by a team member other than the update clearer, you will see a green dot  on the To-dos page to call out the update.

When new comments have been posted on the to-do, you'll see the green dot and the recent comments will be called out for your review. When you've reviewed everything and replied or taken appropriate action, clear the updates by clicking the "x" in the "Updated" banner at the top of the to-do.

To-dos are marked upcoming or overdue based on the due date that you set (if applicable), along with your personal settings. Learn more about when to-dos are listed as upcoming or overdue. Upcoming to-dos will be indicated in yellow based on your personal settings.



What your clients and partners see

Clients will see any of the items that are marked "Visible to clients" (with a green two-person icon to indicate this visibility). You can change the client visibility for any of your to-dos at any time. Learn more about what your clients can see or do on your to-dos.

Partners can get all of the information they need over email, without ever having to log into CoConstruct! If they are set up to receive individual work requests, that work request will include all of the details you entered, plus any files or photos you have included as attachments.

If you do grant login access to your partners, they will be able to view the same To-do details as what you see.

Your clients and partners will still only see the comments or files that have been shared with them, or which they themselves have posted. This lets your team have private conversations or share sensitive files that you may not want to share to absolutely everybody.

Learn more about what your partners see on your to-dos.


Additional ways to manage your to-dos in CoConstruct

  • Filter your to-dos to drill down by assignee, giving you a quick way to view the items assigned to particular team members or subs. Learn more about filtering your to-dos.
  • The printer-friendly layout of the To-dos page gives you a clean and sleek way to turn your online to-do list into a physical document that you can hand to a sub or post up at the jobsite. Filter by assignee and then use the printer friendly view to create a printout specific to a single person.
  • Update multiple to-dos at once for quick and simple reassignments, completions, and more. Learn more about mass updates to your to-do list.
  • Delete a to-do that may have been entered in error. If there are any attachments or comments that you would lose in the process, you can have those retained for the full log of interactions on the project.
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