
Clearing updates


Seeing the green "Updated" icons throughout the CoConstruct site is a good thing. It means that people are talking, clients are making selections, and that you've got free flowing communication on your project.

But, once you have read and addressed these updates, it is important to click the "Updated" icons to clear them out. Otherwise, new updates won't stand out. They will simply get lost among the older, uncleared updates -- and you are more likely to overlook them.

Not good.

BUT, don't just click the "Updated" icon after you've read it. Instead, click it after you've done whatever you need to do in response to it. That way, nothing falls off of your radar.

Only one person on your team has the ability to clear updates at any given time. If you're that fortunate soul, then do everyone a favor by staying on top of it.

If the wife asks for updated pricing in a comment on a selection item, crunch the numbers, post the price, and THEN clear the update.

Or, say the husband posts a question about meeting at the jobsite. Answer the question. THEN clear the update.

What if the client wishes you a happy birthday on the Messages page? Well, clear the update immediately and tell yourself that you're turning 29... again.


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