Experiencing an error pushing a CoConstruct invoice over to QuickBooks? Seeing any yellow or red messages on your invoices?
There are a couple of settings to check to ensure everything moves smoothly.
In order for QuickBooks to successfully receive an invoice from CoConstruct, all accounting codes need to be linked up to the corresponding QuickBooks item or product/service.
Places to Check:
- Accounting codes to ensure all accounting codes present have a corresponding QuickBooks item or product/service. Head to Settings > Accounting > Accounting Codes to check!
- Project "% Markup, Margin & Tax" configurations on the estimate to ensure the markup lines have an accounting code linked to a corresponding QuickBooks item or product/service.
Note: In order to successfully push the invoice, you don't need to link ever single code on your account, but you need to at least link the ones that are on the invoice, including codes associated with your profit markup/margin.
Using QuickBooks Online? Ensure that all product/services are marked as "I sell this product/service to my customers."
Any red messages warning of a fail sync between CoConstruct and QuickBooks indicates that some information between the two systems has been deleted or missed. Important linkage information is set up on your Integration > Accounting Settings page.
Linkages to Check:
- An active Accounts Receivable is required to push invoices to QuickBooks
In order for an invoice to push to QuickBooks, the system will be looking for corresponding data to match.
Data to Check:
- An active customer or customer:job. Ensure that the project in CoConstruct links to the corresponding customer or customer:job. Make any corrections on the Project Setup.
- All items or product/services linked to CoConstruct accounting codes are active. If any codes were deactivated, reactivate them or assign a different active QuickBooks code to the CoConstruct equivalent.
- Duplicate invoice numbers in QuickBooks Online. Check QuickBooks to see if the invoice number you are trying to push to QuickBooks is already in use. Do this by sorting or searching through the invoice numbers in QuickBooks. This is especially important if you are not using prefixes or are using overly generic prefixes (such as "Draw-2") for your invoice numbering in CoConstruct. Update the CoConstruct invoice with a different prefix and/or number if duplicates exist.
Working with QuickBooks Desktop? First run the Web Connector to ensure any changes made to items or customers/customer:jobs get passed back over to CoConstruct.
Once you've identified and corrected the missing/deleted data points, repush the CoConstruct invoice over to QuickBooks.
- Any Admin user on your team should find the invoice in question on the Invoices page of the project.
- Select the ellipse icon ("...") on the invoice
- Click to "Push to QuickBooks"
Working with QuickBooks Desktop? Run the Web Connector after pushing the invoice in order for QuickBooks to grab it and put it in your company file.
Experiencing an error with electronic payments and QuickBooks?
There are a couple of settings you could check to ensure everything is lined up:
- Did the invoice amount change in QuickBooks?
If you pushed a CoConstruct invoice over to QuickBooks and then changed the dollar value on that corresponding QuickBooks invoice, then CoConstruct will be unable to link up the payment. Payments will be looking for an exact match in order to fully sync up. - Are the bank/expense accounts still active in QuickBooks?
Payments and transaction fees will be looking for the corresponding QuickBooks bank account or expense account to record those amounts. If those accounts get changed for any reason or made inactive, the system will be unable to pass the payment through to QuickBooks. - Is the bank account you're using marked as a "Bank" or "Other Current Asset" types?
For payments to successfully push to Quickbooks, CoConstruct will be looking for the corresponding chart of account to be typed as a "Bank" or "Current Asset" account. - Is the expense account you're using marked as an "Expense" type?
For transaction fees to successfully push to QuickBooks, CoConstruct will be looking for a corresponding chart of account to be typed as an "Expense" account. These fees will be debits to the total deposit taken and therefore will need to be accounted for as an expense.
- Does the corresponding QuickBooks invoice still exist in QuickBooks?
If you pushed a CoConstruct generated invoice over to QuickBooks and then deleted that invoice, then CoConstruct will be unable to link up the payment. Payments pushed to QuickBooks will be looking for the corresponding invoice issued from in order to land in QuickBooks.
If none of the above solve the issue you're experiencing, contact support.