
Reporting on Invoices


Once you've created invoices on your projects you can use CoConstruct's Invoice Report to locate and follow up with invoices across all projects to track down any payments owed. The report will also total up the invoices you search for, which should help feed your cash flow/WIP reports.

Navigate to "Invoices" from the list of Reports options.


Once in, you are able to report using a variety of invoice data:

Projects: From which projects would you like to pull invoices? You can select as many as needed for your report.

Project Groups: If you've set up project groups and tagged your projects with them, this option can speed up your reporting. Rather than manually selecting the projects above, you can simply pick the grouping of projects you'd like to view.

Learn More: Using Project Groups

Status: You are able to pick out which status(es) of invoices you'd like to report on: including choosing from Draft, Issued, etc. You can select as many as needed for your report.

Invoice Date: If you would like to only see invoices issued within a certain time frame, you can define that in these fields. 

Fields left blank will simply pull up invoices across all parameters in that field.  For a full report of all invoices created, simply leave all fields blank and select "Run Report."


Once you set your parameters, CoConstruct will locate and list all invoices that fit:

From the resulting report you are able to see all the high level information about your invoices. If you need to make any changes or look into a specific invoice, just click on the one you want to go directly there. 

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