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Can I change a free no-client project to an active client?


If you're on one of our plans that offer unlimited no-client projects, you'll be able to select the no client access option when making the job active. Once you designate a project as "active client" or "no-client" you will not be able to change the client access option.

In cases where a project is set up as a no-client access job incorrectly, you can either continue to use it under that status, or you can recreate a new version of the project via estimate and schedule templates. This article will walk you through recreating a project as a new active client project.

Creating a template from the existing project’s schedule

To turn the project's schedule into a template, you can:

  1. Go to Templates > Schedule Templates
  2. Select "Add a new schedule template."  There you will see the option to create a template from an existing project schedule.

Creating a template from the existing project’s estimate

You can create a template from the project's specs & selections by:

  1. Going to the Templates > Specs/Selections.
  2. On the left-hand side of the page, click the "Add" button and choose the "Copy from existing project" option.

Creating a new project and copying your templates

You can then set up the new version of the job via the green New Project button on the Main Menu page, and copy those templates into the Schedule and Specs & Selections pages, which the following articles will help you to do:

Copying files & photos

The last thing you may need to transfer over would be any attachments on the project Files & Photos page. To make this process simpler, you can download a copy of all the existing project’s data, including those attachments, and then reupload them to the new version of the project.

To download the data from a project you can:

  1. Go to the Settings > Account and pull up the "Other Settings" tab.
  2. Specify the project and download the data (including all file/photo attachments) into a ZIP archive file.

After you download the project data, you’ll want to go into Files & Photos page of the new version of the project and upload the attachments that you downloaded from the existing version.

These steps will come in handy in cases where it’s critical that a project be changed from no-client to active client, but just note that it’s not currently possible to move comment/message history from one project to another.

Once you recreate the project, you can archive the previous version, but note that you may occasionally still need to reference this archived version of the project if there is any important comments or messages.

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