
Additional Selection Scenarios

This article contains information regarding common Selection scenarios.

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Standard items and upgrades

If you offer selection items that have a standard item included in the project, along with other available standard upgrades, you can enter each in the predefined options section. The most common approach is to show a price of $0 for the standard item and only the upcharge amounts for the upgrades.

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Yes/No selections

There are times when you need a yes or no answer, such as whether or not the client wants to finish off a bonus room. In this case, choose the Client may decline this selection item option. Enter a single predefined option with a name such as “Yes” or “Finish bonus room.” When the client goes to make a choice, they will have the ability to accept or decline the item.

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Signoff only selections

Sometimes you just need signoff on an item that is standard or had previously been decided prior to using Co-construct on the project. In this case, create a new selection item, do not give the client the option to decline the selection, and enter a single predefined selection item with an option name such as “Yes” or “Accepted per spec.” When the client goes to make the choice, they will have to click the only option available. This allows you to capture the client’s signoff in the change log.

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Selections the client doesn't know

Perhaps there are items about which you do not normally give your clients a choice, like the type of pipes or casing width. But, if they asked for an upgrade, then you would accommodate them. There are two ways to handle this, depending on whether you want to limit the number of selections or if you are looking for ways to sell your clients more upgrades:

  • Need to know basis – With this approach, if you would not give your clients the option without Co-construct, then do not give them the option with Co-construct. If they pose a question about an upgrade, only then add it to the selection sheet.
  • More upgrade sales – If you are looking for a way to increase your sales of option upgrade, but found it too hard to manage in the past, Co-construct can help you present more options to your clients without the organizational nightmare. With this approach, you may want to consider always adding these items to your selection sheet.

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Material vs. location

Co-construct can be very flexible, so there can be many ways to accomplish the same thing. Flooring is a great example. Do you have one selection item for flooring? Do you have a separate flooring selection item for each room? Do you have a different selection item for each type of material (carpet, hardwood, tile, vinyl, etc…)? Any of these are possible. Here are some things to keep in mind as you figure out what works best for you:

  • What do you do now – If you have a selection sheet now, how is it organized? If you are comfortable with it, then set it up the same way. If you hate what you have now, perhaps you should try another approach.
  • Allowances – Do you have a flooring allowance? If so, is it a single allowance or is it broken up by room or material? If you have one allowance, refer to the Selection Scenarios: Allowance amount is shared among multiple selection items article. If you have it separated by material, consider breaking down your selection items the same way.

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Allowing for color selections

Sometimes you have a set menu of options, such as models of a refrigerator. However, within that model, the client may get to choose a finish with no cost implication. There are a few ways to handle this:

  1. If you only have one or two models, you could set up a predefined selection option for each model and color combination. The client would then pick the combination they wanted.
  2. If there are too many model/color combinations, you can set up the predefined list of just the models, with a note that the color needs to be decided. For example, the first option may be “GE Side-by-side #1245 – Black or white.” When the client chooses an option, simply add a note to the selection item asking for what color they want. Once they reply with a comment, update the selection item to reflect the choice. If the client chose black, you would change the option to read “GE Side-by-side #1245 – Black.”

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Custom project with a spec item, but the client can request anything

Your projects may have certain selection items where the clients can pick anything they want, but you still have a basic selection that you have priced into the contract. In this case, you want to give the client the ability to go with your basic option, but also to upgrade to whatever they want.

First, create a selection item with a single predefined option, which describes your basic selection. Then, either enter a price of $0 or a price that matches the allowance amount. Either way, choosing that option does not increase or decrease the contract price.

As the project progresses, your clients may go to a vendor to find upgrades or may add comments to the selection item asking you to price various options. When this happens, simply update the selection item by adding those additional options to the predefined list, along with their prices. When the client finally goes to make a choice, they are able to choose from your basic selection and all of the other options they requested.

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Unlimited choices

Do you have a selection item where the client has tons of possible choices? In this case, when you set up the selection item, pick “Choice to be entered by client.” This lets the client ponder their choices and simply type in what they want.

In some instances, there may be no upcharge, regardless of what they pick. An example may be picking from a display of laminate countertops. In this case, set the price as $0. If the cost may vary, then check Price TBD. Once the client enters a choice, you can come back and fill in the price as appropriate. Of course, it would be helpful for you to give them some guidance on cost in the “Information” section of the selection item.

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