Spec/Selection Templates
- Specs & Selections Templates - Frequently Asked Questions
- CoConstruct Specs/Selections Template Introduction
- Copying template spec/selection items to a project
- Creating a Specs/Selection Template from a Project
- How can I control the order of specs & selections?
- How do I change the selection category list?
Specs & Selections
- How do I enter financial information for my specs & selections?
- What is the best way to set up my Spec & Selection categories?
- Adding Photos to your Specs/Selection items
- How should I set up selection deadlines, so they link back to the project schedule?
- When does a selection item lock?
- How do I unlock a selection?
Selection Scenarios
- Selection Scenarios: How can I set up a selection that requires multiple choices by the client?
- Selection Scenarios: Non-cost selections
- Selection Scenarios: Selections are done at a vendor
- Selection Scenarios: Allowance amount is shared among multiple selection items
- Selection Scenarios: Credit items
- Additional Selection Scenarios